Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) Industry Continues Growth Through 2020

Admin    March 16, 2018

The brushless DC motor industry is hot and expected to get hotter into 2020. Many manufacturers prefer BLDC motors for a variety of applications because of their greater efficiency, lower maintenance and high torque. Since their inception, the motors have experienced remarkable growth. Brushless DC motor manufacturers can look forward to a compound annual growth rate, or CAGR, of nearly 13 percent, which will bring the industry $49.28 billion (USD) by 2021. Top Revenue-Generating End-User Segments in the Global Brushless DC Motor Market Automotive Driving the growth of custom BLDC motors is the evolving electric vehicle industry, which has been…


BLDC Motors & Humanoid Robotic Applications

Admin    January 31, 2018

Despite the amount of work still necessary to create the kinds of robots seen in movies, humanoid robotics has significantly advanced over the centuries and in recent decades. Thanks to their smaller size, ability to run off batteries, and the efficiencies they offer, custom BLDC motors have contributed to the cutting-edge industry. The more life-like a humanoid robotic application is, the more sophisticated engineering is required of brushless DC motor manufacturers. BLDC Motor Overview A BLDC, or brushless DC, motor uses a stator with windings connected to control electronics, as well as a rotor with permanent magnets. It does not…


3 Benefits of Brushless DC Motors to the Industrial Engineering Industry

Admin    January 15, 2018

Brushless DC motors, or BLDC motors, continue to increase in popularity in industrial applications because of the numerous advantages they offer over their brushed DC motor counterparts. BLDC motor manufacturers commonly build motors for electronics, medical applications, computers, HVAC equipment, and automotive applications. In the industrial engineering industry, brushless DC motors are frequently used for automation and manufacturing engineering applications that improve overall productivity and quality. Brushed and Brushless DC Motor Differences Brushed DC motors use an iron core, commutator, and wire coils mounted to the same shaft. These elements are made of metal, which makes them heavy and likely…


BLDC Motors Suited for Manufacturing Applications

Sinotech    January 26, 2015

BLDC motor suppliers take advantage of the fact that BLDC motors use electronic commutation instead of brushes for commutation, making them ideally suited for manufacturing applications. The motors work well for actuation or positioning systems, as well as motion control, because of the benefits offered, such as wide speed ranges and high efficiencies.


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