How Does Sinotech Reduce Offshore Production Risks?

Product Analysis

Sinotech has an organized, systematic process that we have developed over the last 20 years. When we receive your RFQ, our engineers in both the U.S. and China carefully evaluate your project and develop a strategy to get you the best quality at the lowest cost. Our thorough review of each part increases our success rate, results in an excellent understanding of your product, and minimizes the risk to your company. Our full technical review includes a feasibility study, material and standards evaluation, and our recommendations for cost savings.

Factory Audit and Selection

Our experienced auditing teams and subcontractor selection teams work within the factories and at subcontractors to assure that our quality control standards are met.


Once you decide to move forward, Sinotech holds an APQP meeting to review all project drawings and critical dimensions. We cover timelines, packaging, and any inventory requirements. The factory’s engineers meet to review drawings and critical dimensions, re-evaluate quality systems, confirm PPAP levels, process capabilities, and communicate your specific requirements. We take into account Chinese holidays to assure that timelines are met.

We provide you with digital photos of tooling progress and frequent status reports. There are also opportunities for you to have video conferences with any of our bi-lingual staff in China.


While not required, there is an open invitation for your team to visit the factories at any time during tooling and production.


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