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Shearing is a process for cutting sheet metal to size out of a larger stock such as roll stock. Shears are used as the preliminary step in preparing stock for stamping processes, or smaller blanks for CNC presses.

Material thickness ranges from 0.125 mm to 6.35 mm (0.005 to 0.250 in). The dimensional tolerance ranges from +/-0.125 mm to +/-1.5 mm (+/-0.005 to +/-0.060 in).

The shearing process produces a shear edge burr, which can be minimized to less than 10% of the material thickness. The burr is a function of clearance between the punch and the die (which is nominally designed to be the material thickness), and the sharpness of the punch and the die.

Design Considerations

  • Material selected for shearing should be standard stock sizes to minimize the extra costs associated with special slitting.
  • Burrs and hold down marks which are inevitable, should be considered in the design of the end product. Burrs should be kept away from handling areas, preferably folded away, or in some obscure area. The same can be done with hold down marks too.

Sinotech offers an exceptionally wide range of secondary processes that are applied to metals formed in hot or cold processes. Sinotech’ Supplier Quality Engineers determine the availability of the process within the metal forming facility, as well as the quality. If the internal secondary processes do not meet Sinotech standards then the processes are carried out in Sinotech-audited and qualified off-site secondary processing facilities. Sinotech has audited, qualified and worked with QS-9000 and ISO certified secondary processing facilities in China, Taiwan and Korea for over 12 years. Sinotech is dedicated to managing your project on-site and delivering parts to you at lower prices but the same quality, service and terms as a domestic supplier.

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